今后的的写作,突出了对谋篇布局,遣词造句,情感表达和语言审美的要求,英语写作已从书面表达向真正的作文过渡,英语写作走进了一个新时代。写作分数由原来的25分提升到30分 , 词数也由原来的100字左右提升到120—150字,这也无疑加大了书面表达的考查力度和难度, 更加强调了综合语言运用能力, 同时那么如何在有限的时间内,写出语法正确、句式多变、连贯通畅、富有文采、能吸引阅卷人的高分文章,是一个值得探讨的问题。本篇结合一线老师的实际教学经验和近年高考试题,谈谈如何提高高考写作档次,以使学生尽快适应新课程标准对英语写作的新要求,逐步提高学生的写作水平。 1、用外部形体的魅力迎接阅卷人 卷面干净、字迹清晰事实上是尊重读者的体现。有人说:丑陋,打不赢的官司;漂亮,笔下留情的王牌。用这句话形象的揭示书写的重要性再恰当不过。书面整洁、书面美观、字体的规范,行款正确的魅力能激起阅卷者愉悦的情感。这种外部形体的魅力会使阅卷人对你的文章产生一种“偏爱”,获得阅卷人的赏识。在平时写作训练中,要严格要求自己、不误写、漏写、错词单词。行文尽量做到一气呵成,不作修改。不随便在卷面上勾涂画抹,减少“铁丝网”和“烂泥巴”。 2、用巧妙的开头语和结尾语的魅力吸引阅卷人 宋代文学家欧阳修曾说:“观赏文章的人最留意的是开头落笔之处”。英语文章也是如此。好的开头能马上抓住读者,接近了与阅卷人的距离,使其产生继续读下去的愿望,产生敬佩与愉悦的心情,为实现作者与读者的交流奠定了基础。同样好的结尾无疑起到画龙点睛的作用,使文章锦上添花。试欣赏NMET2006年高考范文的开头与结尾: 开头: (1) I’m Wang Shan., who is a female at the age of 16, and I’m now studying in Beijing Yangguang Middle School. (2006年北京卷) (2)Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the books I the original. (2006年浙江卷) 结尾: (1) In a word, to read the original work is better than to see the films based o it. (2006年浙江卷) (2) In my opinion, we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up strong body. Only I this way can we have enough energy to study better. (2006年福建卷) 3、用丰富的词汇和结构来征服读者 (一)词汇的选择和运用 词汇的选择要新颖独到,这样不仅令作文“鹤立鸡群”,而且可以体现作者的词汇能力和整体的英语水平。因此,在有把握的前提下,使用多数同学不大会使用《中学英语大纲》要求高级词汇或使用《大纲》上没有而在阅读中碰到的高级词汇,相信阅卷者会刮目相看,深有感触,减少了因知识水平差距造成的失分。试体会下列句子黑体部分被括号中的高级词汇替代后的效果。 ① About the money you charge , does it cover the entrance fees for visiting the places listed?(As for) ② Some of my classmates are for the move. (in favor of) ③ They say many tourists to the zoo will result in traffic jam.(large crowds of) 词汇选择也应尽可能新颖独到,华而又实,丰富得体,但也不能一味的追求“高级”而忽略了用词的准确性和得体性。因此写作时我们要量力而行,且不可为盲目求“高”而失去了根本,甚至增加了语言错误,影响了得分档次。 (二)语言结构要丰富、多变,简约与复杂并存。 新课程标准中写作的评价标准,强调了语言表达的能力:语言结构和词汇要丰富。因此,在确保行文准确流畅的前提下,需要文字清新简约,语句灵活多变,使文章的语言结构更加丰富多彩。 删减赘言。 删减不必要的词,句子会显得明快干练,焕发新的生机。试体会删去黑体部分后的效果。 ① It took several months of hard work to complete the project. ② Last time he forced me to leave her, and I didn’t have to leave here. (2)用介词或名词代替动词或从句。 这样能有效降低句子结构的复杂性,在令句子通顺自然的同时,也能减少在语法尽可能犯的错误。试体会黑体部分被括号中的词替代后的效果。 ①The flat has an area of 25 square metres and there is a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen. (with) ②I was pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something that has taken place in our school . (about) (3)使用短语结构来简化从句或合并短句。常见的结构有介词短语、名词短语、非谓语动词、独立主格结构、同位语等结构。 ① Other students are against the idea and say that the Beijing Zoo, which was built in 1906, has a history of 100 years, and is well known at home and abroad, → Other students are against the idea, saying that the Beijing Zoo, built in 1906, has a history of 100 years , and is well known at home and abroad, ② I’ll write to you the moment I arrive in Beijing. →On my arrival in Beijing, I’ll write to you. (4)通过合句,将意义相关的几个句子,用一定的连接方式连接起来,或通过紧缩,去掉一些多余的成分,可以避免冗长累赘,松散无力,使句子凝炼,层次清晰。 ①The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street .It is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. → The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street , which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. ②I can follow my own interests .I can read books , visit museums and take computer lessons. → I can follow my own interests, such as reading books , ,visiting museums and taking computer lessons. (5)尝试改变句子的开头方式,改变“主谓宾”的单调句型,换上句中的其他成分,或有意识地使用一些特殊效果的定语从句、倒装句、强调句、感叹句、介词短语、短语修饰语、副词状语等,这样能增加文章的节奏感和音律美。 ① I read in a newspaper a piece of news that “Learn Chinese,Sing Chinese Songs” Foreigners’ talent show will be held Beijing Television Station on July 18. → It is reported that Beijing Television Station will organize a talent show called “Learn Chinese,Sing Chinese Songs”,which is intended for Foreigners. ② You can work out the problem only in this way. →Only in this way can you work out the problem . →It is only in this way that you can work out the problem. (三).有效使用语篇衔接手段,使文章层次清晰,行文连贯。 语篇是交际的基本单位,同时也是语言教学的根本任务。如果一篇文章支离破碎,缺乏必要的衔接和连贯,那么文章中使用的单词再丰富,语法结构再复杂,也不能完全达到与目标读者交流的目的。因此句组中的各个句子之间、句组与句组之间需用不同的衔接手段(cohensive devices)来体现语篇的粘着性和意义上的连贯性。衔接手段多种多样,运用逻辑联结语(logical connectors)就是高中阶段常用的衔接手段之一。根据英语语言学家M.A.K. Halliday 和R. Hasan的语篇衔接理论, 逻辑联结语主要有以下几类: (1) 表示平行、对等或选择关系 and, both…and, as well,as well as, neither…or, also not only…but also等。 (2) 表示转折关系 but, yet, however, nevertheless, in spite of, although, on the contrary,on the other hand,otherwise, while等。 (3) 表示因果关系 so , therefore, as a result (of), because, owing to, due to ,thanks to , on account of,seeing that等。 (4) 表示时间顺序关系 shortly after; first、second…,then, next, finally, immediately, suddenly, soon, in the end, eventually等。 (5)表示空间顺序关系 here, there, on the right/left,on the side of… on the other side of,on the foot/top/end,in the middle/center of/back/front of, next to等。 (6) 表示对称关系 on the one hand, on the other hand ; for one thing, for another thing等。 (7) 表示递进、强调关系 besides, furthermore,what's more, in addition, moreover, worse still, above all, certainly,important of all , to make matters worse. not only…but also,after all,in fact等。 (8) 表示解释、说明关系 namely, actually, such as ,for example/ instance, that is to say ,in other words, and so on, to tell you the truth, according to this,believe it or not,to tell you truth等。 (9) 表示结论 In short, in brief ,in a word, in general, as you know, as far as I know ,on the whole,in conclusion等。 下面以NMET2006年福建高考作文的范文加以分析: Dear friends, As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it’s a very important for us to from healthy eating habits. However, bad eating habits are still very common among us students. Some of us often go to school without breakfast; some like to have snacks; some others are particular about food; and still some eat or drink too much. All these bad habits will surely have a bad effect on our health. In order to keep fit, we should have various healthy diets, which generally include proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables, fruit as well as main food. Besides, we’d better have meals regularly. In my view, we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body. Only in this way can we have enough energy to concentrate on our study better. That’s all. Thank you! 点评: (1)运用了大量的衔接词和较高级词汇: 如,Therefore, However, and still Particular, have a bad effect on, various, generally, amounts of, as well as ,besides, regularly, In my view ,develop ,build up ,concentrate on. (2)语言结构灵活充实,富有变化(见划线部分)。如,运用了非限制性定语从句, 不定式作目的状语,以及倒装句。用Some of us …some …some others… and still some…把部分同学的饮食习惯有机的表达出来,增强了句子间的紧凑感, 使得行文通达顺畅。 这些高级词汇和结构大大提高了文章的档次,关联词的恰当使用无疑增强句子间的逻辑性和紧凑性。令阅卷者对后续的句子产生心理期待和准备,从而获得理想的分数。 四、用情感性语言增强文章的感染力 新标准对写作的要求,增加了情感因素,在准确流畅表达写作要点的同时,适当增加句子的感情色彩,增加一些人情味 ,更能够震撼读者的心灵,使文章读起来更亲切。因此,要想在高考英语书面表达中获得高分,除了要点全、语法正、表达准、结构整、逻辑顺、卷面洁外,还应尽可能使用一定的情感语言,来增强文章的情感性,打动阅卷老师,提高文章的档次。更重要的是,情感语言的使用还能增强文章的连贯性和醒目性,从而最终增强语言的可读性,提高文章的得分。请看下面一篇范文: Dear Bob It was great to hear from you and I am very glad you will be coming here to study Chinese. I have done some research for you and found a nice apartment, only one bus stop away from your school. It is not that big, only 25 square meters, but I think it is fine for your needs. It consists of a small bathroom and a kitchen, and a bedroom. The rent is 500 yuan per month, is this suitable to your budget? If it is too expensive, please let me know as soon as possible, so I can make further arrangements for you. Once again I am very excited that you will be coming here to study! I am looking forward to meeting you. Kind Regards Li Hua 评价: 文章用了较新较巧的结构“:it is fine for your needs”,“only one bus stop away”,令人耳目一新,更重要的是,较多地使用了一些情感丰富的词和结构,像开头的“great”,“very glad”,“excited”以及“I have done some research for you, and found a nice apartment”,“Is this suitable to your budget?”“If it is too expensive, please let me know as soon as possible, so I can make further arrangements for you.”等体贴充满真挚情感的语言,把“look forward to meeting you”的心情表现的淋漓尽致,具有强烈的感染力。 5、格式语域要得体恰当 英语新课程标准中的写作评价标准强调了对格式和语域的要求。这是新的写作评价标准的一大特色。我们知道,不同的文体有不同的写作格式。写记叙文要抓住记叙文的六要素;写说明文时可按照时间空间顺序进行说明,把同类或不同类的事物加以比较或使用数据进行说明,对要说明的事物作出简要的结论;写议论文时要抓住论点、论据和论证三个要素,先提出论点,然后进行用论据证明论点,最后得出结论。书信、通知、日记、欢迎词等应用文都有其自身个性化的格式和模式化的语言,写作时要根据文章体裁来确定文章的格式,然后根据不同的体裁格式和具体情景类型选择相应的话语范围、话语方式和话语基调(语域)。 |