model 4 unit 3 tomorrow’s world period 1 new words 1. reality n. 真实, 事实, 本体, 逼真完成句子:(1).他每天下午去看电影来逃避现实。 he escaped from ________ by _______ _______ the cinema every afternoon. (2).他似乎很年轻,但事实上他年龄比我们都大。 he seemed very young, but he was ______ _______ (= in fact) older than all of us. (3).她给我们留下慷慨的印象,但事实上她是个自私的人。 she gives the _________ of being generous, but ______ _______ she is a very _______ woman . 拓展:逃避现实 ______________________ 逼真地描写情景 _____________________ 使某人面对现实, 不再抱有幻想 _____________________ 事实上, 实际上, 其实 ________________ 把……变成现实 _________________ 2. proposal n.. 提议; 建议; 计划书 agree to a proposal ______________ make / offer a proposal(s) for [of ____________ (=make / offer a suggestion ; give advice ______________ ) 3. set vt. 为(戏剧)提供场景;给(小说)以背景