bbc news with marion marshall.
marion marshall为你播报bbc新闻。
the egyptian president mohammed mursi has delivered a defiant speech to supporters outside his palace in cairo, pledging to protect the country's revolution and lead egypt to freedom and democracy. opposition groups have accused him of behaving like a dictator after he granted himself sweeping new powers on thursday. our correspondent jon leyne has been following the events in cairo.
埃及总统穆罕默德·穆尔西在开罗官邸向支持者发表挑衅性讲话,誓言捍卫埃及革命,领导埃及走向自由和民主。反对派组织指责穆尔西,称他在周四授权自己更多权力后作为像独裁者。bbc记者jon leyne在开罗报道
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