sichuan opera - has been revealed by some performers without authority allowance. the disclosure has provoked intense disputes in china on keeping secret or publishing tricks in the sector of performing technique. 中国的最古老的戏剧形式之一的川剧的变脸技术被一些演员在没有官方许可的情况下泄漏了。这一秘密的泄漏引起了演艺界关于公开还是保守表演技巧秘密的激烈讨论。 some artists of sichuan opera have sold the trick to other parts of the country and even overseas, according to wang daozheng, a 68-year-old face-changing master in sichuan. some cultural experts have called for the case to be investigated the secret-teller to be punished. some others believe china should not consider the art a state secret.