thoughts on the design: 本节课是以读为主,在理解范文结构后,指导学生完成本单元project为目的的教学课。 文章是关于音乐在过去一百年的发展,在经过对文章各个部分的分析和欣赏后,激发学生对音乐方面的兴趣,并让学生以此文为范例,理解制作网页中需要调查的各个方面内容,分组合作进行研究对象的确定和自己资料的搜查,最终可以制作出自己的网页。 teaching aims: after learning the article, the students will be able to know some basic ideas about different styles of music and the development of music. they are expected to take this article as an example to do some research on a singer or a band to make a web page by working together.