During the month of September, a dear friend of mine lost her husb suddenly in an accident. The tragedy was a 41 to everyone. When I got the news, I drove home 42 that we just don’t know when a loved one is 43 going to be with us. We sometimes take our loved ones 44 , we expect that they will be with us fever. 45 , as we all know, life does not wk that 46 sometimes we get a wake up call that shocks us makes us 47 realize how sht life is.
In comfting her at the funeral, I tried to imagine if I was in her 48 how would I feel.
As I was leaving the 49 , I ran into a Marilyn, who has been a true friend to me over the years. When she asked me how my job was, I started 50 things through. I was having a 51 week with my job I was telling her how I was feeling. She listened to me as I was shouting my 52 , then without saying a wd, she took he