unit 4 a garden of poems
i.单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器
高考须掌握的词汇:1.intend 2.recitation 3.fantastic 4.1onely 5.sad 6.grammatical 7.glorious 8.absent 9.introduce10.dusty 11.recommendation 1 2.cont ribution
高考须掌握的短语:1.together 2.with 3.up 4.up 5.into 6.for 7.to
ⅱ.考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川
考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分
1.intention n.意图,意向.目的eg:.his good intentions were repaid hv good results. 他的善意得到了善报。
it wasn't my intent‘ion to fool you.我不想骗你。
相关链接:intend vt.打算用法拓展:intend to do/doing sth.打算干……
intend that…should do打算…… intend sb.to do sth.打算让某人干……
with the intention of doing sth.打算干…… withoht intention无意地特别提醒:①intend后接从句时.多用虚拟语气即should+动词原形;②intend, sb.to do sth.通常用在被动语态中;③intend的过去式表示“原打算……”。
案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三
考题1 (典型例题分)this book, as a surprise for his sister•was lost in the mail.
a.intended b.regarded c.taken d.recognized
考题1点拨,答案为.a•此题考查inten.d sth•for sb.为某人准备某物。句意为:“愿打算作为给他姐姐的_个惊喜的这本书,在邮寄过程中丢了,。”
2.absence n.不在,缺席;缺乏eg o
i soon noticed his absence from school.我很快便察觉到他缺课了。
after an absence of seven years,1 went home.外出7年后我返回了故乡。
相关链接:absent adj.缺席的;不在的用法拓展:be absent from不在.缺席 absence of mind心不在焉
during one's absence在某人外出期间 in one's absence—in
the absence of sb.某人不在时,某人外出时特别提醒:be absent ftom短语中用from。
考题2 (典型例题) he often asks his neighbour to look after his pet during his
a. lack b. absence c. leaving d. missing
考题2点拨:答案为b。此题考查during one's absenee这一结构。句意为;“他经常叫他的邻居在他外出时替他照顾宠物。”
3.apart adv.相隔.相距;除去;分开eg:new york and t6kyo are thou— sands of miles apart.纽约和东京相隔数千英里。 she lives apart from her family.她跟家人分开住。 apart from a few faults,he is quite a good teacher.除了几个缺点外.他是个很好的老师。