unit 1 that must be a record!
i.单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器
高考须掌握的词汇:1.conclusion;conclusive 2.employ 3.inspection 4.gradually 5.skiil 6.permit 7.concentration
8.delighted/delightful 9.energy 10.careful 1 1.faseination;faselnating;fascinated 12.enthuslasm
高考须掌握的短语:1.send 2.row 3.down 4.in 5.into 6.on 7.concentrate 8.traek 9.out 10.for 11.apply 12.next 13.familiar 14.permission
ⅱ.考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川
考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分
1.conclude vt.&.vi.结束;推断出;结束时说eg:
he concl llded his speech with a joke.他以一个笑话结束了他的演讲。
the meeting concluded at nine o'cloc k.会议9点钟结束了。
the poliee coneluded that he must be the murderer.
to conclude.wish ailof you good health and a long life.
相关链接:coneiusion n.结论conciusive adj.最后的;决定的用法拓展:conelude+n.结束……conelude that…断定……
to conelude为副词短语,用作结束语,表示“总之;最后”。
draw/reaeh/come to/arrive at a conelusion得出结论
in conelusion作结束语用.表示“最后.总之”
(2)to conclude;in conelusion,都为副词短语,表示“总之.最后”.作结束语时用。
案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三
考题1-1 (典型例题分) . ld like to say how much ive enjoyed staying in your country.
a. to conclude b. to include c. in the conclusion d. as conclusion
考题1-2 (典型例题 分)in_ _ conclu- sion, all the staff are ordered to draw conclusion from the speech the president made at the meeting.
a.a; a b./; a c./; the d. a; the