unit 9 saving the earth
i.单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器
高考须掌握的词汇:1.summary 2.represent 3.violent 4.equar 5.responsible 6.w.1ling 7.defence 8.effect 9.advice
高考须掌握的短语:1.nations 2.with 3.part 4.take 5.air 6.in 7.to 8.out 9.to
ⅱ.考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川
考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分
1.content n.内容,目录,容量adj.满足的.满意的讲.使……满足eg:
i always read the contents of a book first of a11.我看书总是先从目录看起。
i didn’t understand the content of her speech.我不了解她演讲的内容。
n0 one is content with what he has.入的欲望无止境。
simple praise is enough to content him.一点点表扬就使他很满足。
相关链接:eontented adj.满足的,满意的
be content to do…一be willing to do…乐意干某事
be content with sth.对……感到满意a contented expression满足的表情
content sb./oneself with…使某人(自己)对……满足特别提醒:content作形容词用,通常用作表语,后接with短语或动词不定式。作定语用时应用contented形式。content前修饰词用well而不用very。
案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三
考题1 (典型例题the old man sal in the corner, alone.
a.weil content to have a drink
b.weil content from having a drink
c. quite conte.nted having a drink
d. to be quite contented with drink
考题1点拨;答案为a。此题考查be well content to do sth•。乐于干……,满意干……”•句意为:“这位老人坐在拐角处•悠闲自得地独自小饮。”
2.access n.接近,进入,接近(或进入)的方法eg: every student has ffee access to the library.每位学生都可以自由利用该图书馆。 lt is d|fficult to gain access to him.要接近他很难。
相关链接:accessible adj可接近的用法拓展:access to…通向……的路 have access to…享有……的权利 gain access to sb.接近某人特别提醒,access表示“进人口”时要与介词to连用。
考题2-1 (典型例题 分 ) there is no access the house from the main road.
a. of b. to c. for d. in