rt in the wars against france, 1792-3, and in the following year began his friendship with schiller, which lasted till the latter's death in 1805. in 1806 he married christiane vulpius. from about 1794 he devoted himself chiefly to literature, and after a life of extraordinary productiveness died at weimar, march 22, 1832. the most important of goethe's works produced before he went to weimar were his tragedy "gotz von berlichingen" (1773), which first brought him fame, and "the sorrows of young werther," a novel which obtained enormous popularity during the so called "sturm und drang" period. during the years at weimar before he knew schiller he began "wilhelm meister," wrote the dramas, "iphigenie," "egmont," and "torquato tasso," and his "reinecke fuchs." to the period of his friendship with schiller belong the continuation of "wilhelm meister," the beautiful idyl of "hermann and dorothea," and the "roman elegies." in the last period, between schiller's death in 1805 and his own, appeared "faust," "elective affinities," his autobiographical "dichtung und wahrheit" ("poetry and truth"), his "italian journey," much scientific work, and a series of treatises on german art. though the foregoing enumeration contains but a selection from the titles of goethe's best known writings, it suffices