and terenure!
-- come on, sandymount green!
right and left parallel clanging ringing a doubledecker and a singledeck moved from their railheads, swerved to the down line, glided parallel.
-- start, palmerston park!
the wearer of the crown
under the porch of the general post office shoeblacks called and polished. parked in north prince's street his majesty's vermilion mailcars, bearing on their sides the royal initials, e. r., received loudly flung sacks of letters, postcards, lettercards, parcels, insured and paid, for local, provincial, british and overseas delivery.
gentlemen of the press
grossbooted draymen rolled barrels dullthudding out of prince's stores and bumped them up on the brewery float. on the brewery float bumped dullthudding barrels rolled by grossbooted draymen out of prince's stores.
-- there it is red murray said. alexander keyes.
-- just cut it out, will you? mr bloom said, and i'll take it round to the telegraph office.
the-door of ruttledge's office creaked again. davy stephens, minute in a large capecoat, a small felt hat crowning his ringlets, passed out with a roll of papers under his cape, a king's courier.
red murray's long shears sliced out the advertisement from the newspaper in four clean strokes. scissors and paste.
-- i'll go through the printing works, mr bloom said, taking the cut square.
-- of cour