bbc news with marion marshall.
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the syrian government has agreed to a temporary ceasefire in its conflict with rebels to go inside with the muslim festival of eid al-adha. as the truce approaches, rebel fighters are reported to have made gains in the central city of aleppo, which is being a battleground for weeks. from the turkey-syria border, james reynolds reports.
叙利亚政府同意暂时与叛军停火,以庆祝穆斯林的古尔邦节。随着休战即将到来,据悉叛军武装人员已在中心城市阿勒颇取得进展,这里数周来一直都是战场。james reynolds在土耳其与叙利亚边境报道。
in syria's northern city of aleppo, shelling and gunfire suggested that a truce was not the main concern among those fighting
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