潮南区2010—2011学年度普通高中教学质量期末统一检测高一级英语 第一卷 (共105分) 第一部分:听力 (35分)一、 听力(共两节 每小题2分,满分30分) 第一节 听力理解 每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,每段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的a,b,c项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听第一段对话,回答第1-3题。 1. what are the two speakers going to do? a. they are going to catch the train. b. they are hurrying to go to school. c. they want to wait for the red light. 2. why must the two speakers go this slowly? a. because they are much afraid of an accident. b. because they hope to be as safe as possible. c. because they want to go four or five blocks. 3. which of the following is true according to the conversation? a. they have no enough time left. b. they meet a bad accident. c. they have to stop for three red lights. 听第二段对话,回答第4--6题。 4. what do the two speakers want to do on saturday? a. they will have a party in the park.