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第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
teachers have so much to do with not enough time, and many of the things they need help with can be done right in your own home. this is a good way to have some fun with your children and show them your dedication to their education. even if you’re not helping their teacher, your children will still see that you care.
some of the things i’ve done for my daughter’s elementary school are sharpening pencils for her classmates, gluing student portraits to construction paper, and cutting out flash cards. my daughter was eager to help with all of these projects, and they took us not more than an hour to complete each. usually the teachers give you a few days to a week or sometimes more to complete them —
so you can do this on your schedule. these are things your child can help with and can help the little ones with their math skills at the same time.
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