unit2 people on the move reading2教学设计
教 材:牛津高中英语 (模块十)
单 元:unit 2 people on the move
板 块:language points
thoughts on the design:
teaching aims:
1. learn the language points in the passage.
2.practise listening and speaking.
teaching procedures:
step 1 learn the new language points
1. on the move
1) traveling from place to place 在行进中,在移动中
we’ll be on the move next week, so you won’t be able to reach us.
2) busy or active all the time 繁忙的,活跃的
he’s always on the move and never has time to talk/rest.
3) developing quickly 快速发展
it’s an industry on the move.
2.look at
1) in this edition of american living, we are looking at some population trends in the usa.
the effects of the new law need to be looked at. 思考,考虑,研究
2) i haven’t had time to look at the papers yet. (仔细)察看,检查
3) the americans look at life differently from the british. 观察或看待事物
look down on/look into/look through/look up/look up to/look back on
1) she looked through her notes before the examination. 快速浏览
2) if you want to catch the next train, please look up the time in the timetable. 查看
3) a working party has been set up to look into the case. 调查,审查
4) looking back on my childhood, i feel so good. 回顾
5) he was looked down on because of his shabby beginnings. 鄙视,瞧不起
he was such a great person that was worth looking up to. 赞赏,尊敬(某人)
3. make up
1) he made up some excuse about the dog eating his homework. 编造
2) they made up a little poem and wrote it on the card. 编写;创作
3) they made my face up to look like a clown. 给……化妆
4) sorry, i’m late; i’ll make up the time this evening. 补足;补回
5) women make up 40 per cent of the workforce. 组成,构成
this book is made up of twelve separate short stories. 由……组