unit2 people on the move welcome to the unit教学设计
教 材:牛津高中英语 (模块十) 高三上学期
单 元:unit 2 people on the move
板 块:welcome to the unit
thoughts on the design:
teaching aims:
1.get to know something about population mobility including different reasons.
2.practise listening and speaking by sharing information.
3.get ready for the reading part of this unit.
teaching procedures:
step 1 brainstorming
the teacher begins the lesson by asking students to share their experiences in pairs by finding out when, where and why they moved
《设计说明》教师通过让学生分享自身或是周围的人的迁移经历而自然进入本单元的主题 “people on the move”.
step 2 pair work
ask students to look at the five pictures and discuss where the people in the pictures are moving and why.
step 3 group discussion
ask students to find out various reasons for population mobility.
possible answers: marriage, job, environment, study …
step 4 pair work
ask students to discuss after graduation, where they would like to study, in a nearby city or in a faraway place? why?
step 5 group work
ask students to think about whether population mobility is good for the development of our world, why or why not?
possible answer: population mobility is good for the development of our country and our world. because now we’re all making contributions to building a global village and population mobility is helpful for us to share our knowledge, science and technology and even labor force. it’s good for globalization.