unit 2 language task
reporting on body language
teaching aim:
to learn and practise their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
to learn how to predicting an answer.
to learn how to writing questions
to help students to organize a report.
teaching procedure:
step one: skills building 1
ask students to try to find some behavioral differences between chinese and westerners with the pictures reference.
help students to understand how to predict the answers to the questions while listening.
step two: skills building 2
help students to write questions
ask them to survey their classmates and see how much they know about body language.
step three: skills building3
ask students to organize a report. and ask them to write a report about body languages.
help students to know how to write a report, which should contain introduction, methods, results and conclusion.
ask students to share their reports.
step four: homework:
to go over the task
to preview the project