2015年7月25日,全国高考状元敕封典礼在山西晋城举行。来自甘肃、吉林、内蒙古、山东、河北、河南、山西7省市自治区的10名高考状元接受“康熙皇帝”敕封。 上午9点,10名高考状元身穿状元服,肩披大红花,骑着高头大马,进入皇城相府御书楼广场。广场上,“康熙皇帝”敕封他们为“第一甲状元赐进士及第”,每人赏“诏书”一册、人民币10000元,《康熙字典》一函。 随后,众状元披红骑马,在仪仗队的带领下,由御书楼进入城内,经大学士第、东书房、明清街,举行了盛大的状元游街仪式。然后来到书院,将自己的头牌亲手挂至屋檐之下。中午,众状元享用了“八八状元大宴席”。 近年来,高考状元的真人秀已经不是第一次见诸报端,各种重奖状元的消息更是令人艳羡。不过,晋城这次状元秀却似乎引发了网络的口诛笔伐,负面评价不少。喧嚣声背后,教育界乃至中国社会仍需思考,“状元文化”对于我们的青年人而言,究竟有益还是有毒? Ten students from seven provinces of China who achieved the highest scores at the college entrance examination were awarded in Shanxi Province. The ten wore red dresses with big red flowers, riding horses to the local Yushu Square. An empire awarded them each with 10 thousand yuan and a Dictionary of Kangxi. [图片来源:中新网] Surrounded by the honor guard, the ten students paraded through the streets and enjoyed cheers from people. This event leads to heat discussions. Should those who do well in exams be awarded so theatrically? 版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus英语环球广播 |