bbc news with jerry smit
jerry smit为你播报bbc新闻。
the us national guard has been deployed in new orleans as the city, which has a population of 360,000, waits for the arrival of hurricane isaac. the massive new flood gates designed to protect the city from a storm surge have been closed. isaac is expected to make landfall exactly seven years after another hurricane katrina killed more than 1,800 people in new orleans. from there, alastair leithead reports.
美国国民警卫队已经部署到新奥尔良,这座有着36万人的城市正在等待以撒飓风的到来。本来用作保护该市免受暴雨袭击的新的大型防洪闸已关闭,以撒飓风即将来临,刚好就在7年前,另一场飓风卡特里娜夺去了新奥尔良1800多人的生命。alastair leithead报道。
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