西方carnival,东方嘉年华。空气中弥漫着浓厚的节日气氛,万人空巷。场面宏大的游行,华丽的服饰,精美的食物,盛大的宴会,各色的面具,浪漫的“奇遇”……,人们尽情地欢笑,尽情地舞蹈,尽情地享受节日的快乐,尽情地放松自己,为自己的心灵寻找一个小憩的、温暖的“家”,你想进一步了解这一切吗?让我们一起走进狂欢节,共同领略这异域的节日风情吧! carnival is an annual celebration of life found in many countries of the world.and in fact, by learning more about carnival we can learn more about accepting and understanding other cultures. many years ago, the followers of the catholic(基督教的) religion in italy started the tradition of holding a wild costume festival right before the first day of lent.because catholics are not supposed to eat meat during lent, they called their festival, carnival—